
Paseo de San Illan, 47
28019 Madrid

+34 912 826 219

OOIIO Arquitectura Casa de Diseòo: CASA PAZ


A house to celebrate


  • Awards and Honours «Platinum Winner» – Best Living Space Architecture. Design Skill Awards, 2023.
  • Status: Under Construction
  • Year Project: 2020 – today.
  • Location: Toledo, Spain.
  • Area: 125,20 m2
  • Design: OOIIO Architecture.
  • Interior Design: OOIIO Architecture.
  • Team: Joaquin Millán Villamuelas,Federica Aridon Mamolar, Rocío Viñas Santisteban, Ángela Le Moal.
  • Facilities: OOIIO Architecture.
  • Client: Private.

Houses are not always what we expect. Usually, they have no ambition beside responding to a funcitonal program and fitting-in with neighbouring houses, to be a part of the group. Luckily, from time to time the opposite happens and a house wants to show its own personality and express itself.

Located in the outskirts of a rural area of La Mancha, House PAZ is not a home for every day life but rather it is a space for celebrations with friends and family.


We are in an area very far from the sea, without any mountains or forests nearby. The nature that surrounds us is productive. In the past, the inhabitants of these towns have always lived in the countryside, and the landscape that surrounds them is mostly agricultural, a great cultivated plain, a workplace.

Therefore, there is a vernacular tradition here of enjoying free-time in what they call “huertas”: shelter houses built in the countryside to rest after work. Surrounded by crops, they are used to spend leisure time and meet with friends. They are second homes.

House PAZ is precisely this, a recreation house built to celebrate life and enjoy good times in company. Make a stew, eat and spend the afternoon with your loved ones. Is there a more beautiful reason to build a building?

Taking advantage of the playful nature of this home, OOIIO´s architects display a strong exercise in abstraction through its design. Its simple program is solved in a practical and functional manner, using a rectangle that encloses another. A patio house built with White concrete blocks, both on the exterior perimeter and on the interior partitions.

A fun and striking roof made of yellow sándwich panels works as a helmet, a crest, that covers and protects the heated area, creating a large porch that invites you to always experience the house in relation to the patio.

From afar, the roof calls to us as if shaking, inviting us tcome closer, it exlaims.

As it was a second home, the budget had to be as tight as posible. Which is why the studio carried out extensive research into solutions to reduce the investment necessary to build it to a minimum all while maximising the house’s expresiveness and uniqueness.

Both the concrete blocks and the sandwich panels of the roof are common materials, easy to find in any simple industrial building, so, the entire local construction crew are very experienced in working with them.

It was about doing something different with the usual materials. A fun house for having fun.